Friday, September 08, 2006

An Update from Scott Paschal

Melbourne, Australia
Tennis Tour

Hey there!

This is Scott Paschal checking in to give you an update on my new tennis tour company!

All is progressing well in the development of the internal structuring of Scott Paschal's Tennis Tour Co as far as the business accounting and tax aspects.

My neighbor, Russty, (yep, two s's) and I have been developing my first tennis tour. Right now, we are shooting for the 2006 Australian Open.

Brochures are being developed, and a web site is being planned.

For those who have been asking... YES, I am planning SPTTC tours to the Pacific Life Open in Indian Wells and to the Sony Ericson Open (Nasdaq) in Miami for 2007.

God bless and stay tuned!

386 793 0557

Monday, July 17, 2006

A Scott Paschal's Christian Tennis Tour Hello!

This has been another fantastic day here at the headquarters of the International Christian Tennis Association!

This is a pic of me, Scott Paschal, talking on the phone in my office.

My new company, Scott Paschal's Christian Tennis Tours, is an exciting new ministry program outreach for the International Christian Tennis Association.

In 1999, the International Christian Tennis Association, or, formed as a fulltime Christian tennis ministry with a goal of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ as commanded by Jesus in Mathew 28.

At the very beginnings of this ministry I envisioned ICTA as a missions oriented ministry. Not a building or a place, but a mission. I often picture the rest of my life as a potential 50 year mission trip!

Why do I want to develop the International Christian Tennis Association to be a missions organization?

It's because in my view that is the way God intended ministry to be. How? Well, to start with He sent His Son to reach us! Then, Jesus developed His missionaries and sent them out in pairs. All that I can find in the Bible teaches about the importance of missions.

I am known as an outside the box thinker. To me, I wanted to develop this ministry as an outreach ministry first, without a building or facility. Then, once we became successful at our missions I ant to build a tennis facility. Which may soon happen!

My new company will become a tremendous Christian tennis ministry resource for Christian outreach ministry worldwide. In 2007, we will begin small and attend a few select professional tennis tournaments. We will learn and grow.

Check back soon for more updates!

God bless!

Scott Paschal
International Christian Tennis Association
Ministry Director

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Scott Paschal's Christian Tennis Tours

Welcome to the web log of Scott Paschal's Christian Tennis Tours! In this web log you will be informed about the development and growth of this important International Christian Tennis Association tennis ministry program.

Check back soon for updates!

God bless!

Scott Paschal
Ministry Director
International Christian Tennis Association
386 793 0557